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24 Whole Story interview with Patrick Tidmarsh

The 'Whole Story' approach to investigating sexual offences. Interview with Dr Patrick Tidmarsh

Part 1

Part 2

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    'Whole Story' - Dr Patrick Tidmarsh

    This was a live online interview with Dr Patrick Tidmarsh, who has been working with sexual offenders, investigations and the police for about 30 years.

    We discuss his 'Whole Story' approach to investigating sexual offences, and why it is better for victims, for investigators, and why it gets a lot more evidence in the case than the usual approaches.

    Patrick has put together a book on this methodology:

    Whole Story book

    Also, do you know how many sexual assault allegations are false? The answer may surprise you! Read about it here: https://doi.org/10.1177/1077801210387747

    Some research by Suzanne Blackwell which is mentioned: https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Suzanne-Blackwell-2065514463

    Another article recommended: Lawyers’ Strategies for Cross-examining Rape Complainants: Have We Moved Beyond the 1950s? Sarah Zydervelt, Rachel Zajac, Andy Kaladelfos, Nina Westera; The British Journal of Criminology, Volume 57, Issue 3, 1 May 2017, Pages 551–569, https://doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azw023

    Patrick also recommends Judith Herman's book on Trauma & Recovery

    To download the full transcript of this and any other video on here, join the email list to using the form on the left.

    The book link is an affiliate link, which means that if you bought the book through that link, whilst you pay the same price & the author gets the same price, I would get a small commission from Amazon for putting the two of you together 😊

    Police Science Dr provides general information that stems from published research. However, each investigation needs to be assessed and conducted individually.

    The content Police Science Dr provides is not to be taken as specific advice for any one investigation and is intended to enhance investigative skills overall.

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